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Song Lyrics



​We All Are in Kindergarten

from our ELD lesson


We all are in Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Kindergarten.  We all are in Kindergarten.

That's where we are!


OUr teacher is Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones.  Our teacher is Mrs. Jones.  That's who she is.


Our Principal is Mrs. Rigg, Mrs. Rigg, Mrs. Rigg.  Our Principal is Mrs. Rigg.  That's who she is.


Our helper is Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Palmer.  Our helper is Mrs. Palmer. That's who she is.


On Wednesday's, we see Mrs.  Sanchez, Mrs. Sanchez, Mrs. Sanchez.  On Wednesday's, we see Mrs. Sanchez. Thank you so much!






Great job on the lyrics, boys and girls!  You wrote words to a song!




Keep up the good work guys!


Our Website


To my class...


These pages have been created for you, my students.  I hope you will explore technology by entering our very own website.  You are so important and deserve to have a special place on the web to visit.  Most of all, I hope you spend time studying our sight words, because next year, I want you to be the best First Graders! Thank you for all of your hard work each day. You are already an amazing class!


Be sure to ask your parents to pick up some headphones so my voice does not give them a headache.  Be considerate of others when you are enjoying our site.  If our voices are too loud, turn them down to a reasonable level.


A special thanks




To my three daughters who are always willing to help contribute to my songs and chants.


And to Dr. Jones for putting up with my goofy songs and for his input on our web page.







You can do it!

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